22 Apr

5 Email Marketing Metrics You Should Track


Contrary to popular belief, email marketing continues to be an effective and valuable marketing tool to reach out to new customers and promote brand credibility and loyalty – it has an impressive customer retention rate of 56%. If you want your campaigns to deliver consistently, you will need to track certain essential email marketing metrics to identify what works for your brand and what does not. Return on investment or ROI is certainly the most obvious metric to track. However, there are many other KPIs or metrics that can help you run a successful email marketing campaign.  

Let’s take a look at some of the most important email marketing metrics you should track for a successful campaign! 

4 Important Email Marketing Metrics to Track 

Here are five essential email marketing metrics you should be tracking to measure the success of your campaigns:

1. Open Rate

Email open rates are one of the most important email marketing metrics that you should track. The open rate of your email can help you figure out if potential customers are interested in what you have to say or not. A low open rate indicates that your email or the content in its subject is unable to grab people’s attention. 

You can conduct A/B testing to find the most effective way to boost the open rate of your email. Try different subject lines, greetings, and times of the day to see which one delivers the best results. The best way to increase your email’s open rate is to send highly relevant emails to segmented audiences

2. Click-Through Rate

Click-through rate denotes the percentage of people who clicked on your ad during an email marketing campaign. A high click-through rate suggests that your target audience is interested in engaging with your ads and learning more about your brand. The right email marketing tools allow you to track which links each user clicked as well as the total number of clicks each campaign received. 

It’s a fantastic way to learn which part of your email succeeded and which one needs improvements. You can split-test two versions of each ad using click-through rates to measure their success. If your click-through rates are below average, try optimizing the readability of your emails. Use subheadings, images, and shorter sentences and paragraphs. Make the CTA as visually clear and appealing as possible. 

3. Conversion Rate

Most email marketing campaigns are designed to boost sales, which means that a higher conversion rate will indicate the success of your campaign. Your campaign’s conversion rate is one of the most critical email marketing metrics to track. Keeping tabs on it will help you figure out which email is working and which isn’t. Based on this information, you can make the necessary changes in the emails that aren’t leading to conversions to ensure your campaign’s success.

When checking the conversion rate of your emails and gauging your campaign’s success, make sure to compare the rate with your industry’s expected email conversion rate. It will provide you with an idea of how your campaign is fairing according to the industry standards. If it isn’t delivering on your expectations, you can change that by taking the following steps:

  • Personalize your emails to form a connection
  • Automate your campaigns to boost effectiveness
  • Send welcome emails to new subscribers offering exclusive discounts to add value
  • Send gentle reminder emails to customers who abandon their carts to boost sales 

4. Unsubscribe Rate

Lastly, you need to keep track of how many people click the unsubscribe button on your emails. If your campaign’s unsubscribe rate is high, try to understand what could be turning customers off. For instance, high email frequency can be a huge turn-off for some customers leading them to hit the unsubscribe button. 

To combat this, proactively ask your audience how often they would prefer to hear from you. Give your new subscribers the option to choose their email frequency. It provides them with a sense of control and shows that you care about them. Also, use your emails for customer input. Try your best to address their pain points and work toward developing a personalized marketing approach to offer undeniable value to your subscribers. 

If you want to keep an eye on the aforementioned email marketing metrics, work with Marketing Tiki today! We offer comprehensive email marketing tools which can help you track the success of your campaigns effectively and seamlessly!