19 Mar

Integrating SEO and Content Marketing


To get a high rank on the search engines you need to integrate SEO and Content marketing together. Here are some benefits of integrating SEO and Content marketing. Here are the three tenets of successful content marketing and SEO integration:

  • Relevance
  • Structure
  • Authority

If you can establish all three and generate high-quality, optimized content, you can expect to rank high in search engine result pages (SERPS). 

Let’s explore how to successfully integrate SEO and content marketing!

4 Ways for Effective SEO and Content Marketing Integration

1. Structure Your Content around Relevant Keywords and Users’ Search Intent 

When it comes to ranking high on Google search pages, you need to focus on clarity and structure. Each content page you have on your website should cover one topic. Think of your pages as a Wikipedia entry that covers a topic in-depth to satisfy the user’s search intent. Then, optimize your pages for one keyword cluster that contains one primary and multiple secondary keywords for comprehensive SEO and content marketing integration

The process of keyword research will help you determine relevant topics to target your audience. You can use online SEO tools to find related keywords, synonyms, and variations to use in your content. Research monthly search traffic for each keyword to gauge your target audience’s interest in your chosen keywords. 

2. Avoid Keyword Cannibalization

For each unique keyword and topic, create one specific page only, instead of covering it in multiple pages. If you want to improve your chances of ranking high in SERPs, focus on updating your existing webpages. If you create new pages revolving around the same keyword, you will have to compete with yourself for the top ranking while already competing with other websites. This phenomenon is known as keyword cannibalization, and it can truly hurt your SEO efforts. 

Similarly, if you already have several pages covering the same idea, consolidate them into one valuable webpage with high-quality links and credible information. Create new posts only on topics that you have yet to cover. 

3. Review the First Page of Google

Before writing your content, thoroughly review the content that Google displays on its first page for your chosen keyword. Typically, you will find research-based articles, listicles, visuals, videos, news, and transactional content on the first page. Go through the content and try to gauge the type of headlines, keywords, and subtopics covered in it. Also, keep an eye on the length of the content pieces. You can use effective tools and algorithms to do that. By doing this research, you can create competitive content that offers your target audience everything they are looking for. 

4. Optimize Your Content for Google’s Algorithm 

For effective SEO and content marketing integration, you need to ensure that Google’s algorithm finds your content easy to read. Incorporate your main keyword in your URL, main heading, meta title, and first paragraph. It not only helps Google understand your content better but also helps the user find your webpage. Additionally, optimize your images to win a visual search result page. 

If you want your content to succeed in organic search, follow the aforementioned steps to generate optimized content. If you want content marketing and SEO services, get in touch with Marketing Tiki today. We will help you bring qualified, sustained organic traffic to your website!