01 Jul

4 Keyword Optimization Tips


Keyword optimization is an integral element that contributes to the success of a content marketing strategy. However, with advances in Google’s search engine algorithm, keyword usage has become more nuanced and organic. For instance, keyword stuffing is certainly a thing of the past as it will work against you today. You need to focus on optimization techniques that will be appreciated by Google and will prove to be beneficial for your user. 

So, let’s take a look at some optimization techniques for SEO keywords: 

4 Keyword Optimization Techniques That Work

Here are four keyword optimization tactics that will help you improve your page ranking on organic search:

1. Use One Target Keyword for Each Webpage

As tempting as it might be, keyword stuffing is never the solution for boosting your organic ranking. You need to think of every webpage as a singular entity with a sole target keyword. Focusing on a single keyword will help you structure your title, headings, and content organically. You can also add semantically related keywords to further enhance the comprehensiveness of your content. Using a singular target keyword will also help you target high-value, intent-driven readers. 

2. Use Long-Tail Keywords for Voice Search 

Traditional search terms and voice search queries will certainly be different from each other. When you use a voice app, you are bound to use a more conversational tone for your queries. For instance, when using traditional search, you might simply type “keyword optimization tips.” However, when using voice search, you are more likely to say, “What are the finest keyword optimization tips I need to use?” 

It’s why you need to use long-tail keywords that reflect that conversational quality and match the users’ intent. After all, you want search engines to read out your content to the user who is looking for information your blog post answers. 

3. Place the Keywords Strategically

Still wondering how to optimize SEO keywords? Well, focus on keyword placement to boost your on-page SEO. You should incorporate your target keyword into your title tag organically. You will also need to fit it into at least one subheading in your content. But make sure that it’s a natural fit. 

If you want to make sure that your content is on-point, try to add your target keyword in the first paragraph. Adding your target keyword to the URL is also an excellent idea. However, just make sure that it doesn’t compromise the clean and concise structure of the URL. You can also add your keyword in the image alt-text of your titular image to boost your SEO. 

4. Prioritize High-Quality Content over Clunky Keyword Placement 

Lastly, always remember that you are using keywords to serve your content and not the other way around. Always prioritize the quality of your content over clunky keyword placement since your end goal is to retain your readers with value-adding content. 

If your content is well-written, easy-to-read, and offers useful information to your readers, it will also be easier for the search engine to read. Plus, well-written content always has organically used keywords, which is a plus for search engine bots reading your content. 

Keyword optimization is an ongoing, evolving process determined by Google’s ever-evolving algorithm. While it’s important to focus on optimizing your keywords, you must also focus on the quality of your content and boost your other SEO efforts. If you need any help with keyword and SEO optimization, reach out to Marketing Tiki today!